Thursday, June 9, 2011

teacher comment one & two - summary

The "Learning is Messy"blog by Brian Crosby had many good points. The author was commenting on a tweet by Mr. Hamilton the Department of Education's Press Secretary. He talks about how he feels about school visits from Mr. Duncan and how when he visits various schools he isn't getting a true vision of what really goes on in the school or how the teachers truly feel about their school. He also states that when a school does poorly on a test the school should be supported before being punished. He also believes that the teachers themselves have the most knowledgeable information about what goes on in the schools and what might help improve them.

Today I read another post by elementary school teacher Brian Crosby Learning is Messy. In his post he was commenting on the "Education Nation Blog"by John Deasy. Mr. Crosby stated how he felt that if someone was going to give input on today's education and how to improve our schools, that it should be an actual educator or they should at least take the comments of teachers, parents and students.

I agree completely with Mr. Crosby. If the teacher is the one who is in the classroom year round with their students, then surely their input has to mean something. Teachers are the ones who know what does and does not work in a classroom.

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